Sunday, August 2, 2009

Defense Authorisation Act of Fiscal Year 2010


There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for military personnel for fiscal year 2010 a total of $135,723,781,000. The authorization in the preceding sentence supersedes any other authorization of appropriations (definite or indefinite) for such purpose for fiscal year 2010.

Talk about wasteful spending. So how much are we worried about the healthcare costs and earmarks- the "wasteful" spending highlighted by republicans? It seems absolutely minuscule when compared to the "bloated" military industrial complex. But to republicans NONE of that money is wasteful.

It seems Republicans are hypocrites of "fiscal" conservatism. As long as they can get one more dollar to go to the brass parasites in uniform, they'll give it.

Now as soon as Republicans actually become standards of fiscal responsibility, then maybe I could rally beside them in eliminating government regulations, bureaucracy, and departments in order to save more money for the taxpayer. But until then I hope they enjoy being out of power.

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